Press release: Biomedical Bonding AB, a Swedish MedTech company with focus on patient-personalized implants for the treatment of bone fractures, together with its partners Ivoclar Vivadent Manufacturing GmbH in Austria and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden have secured funding from the Eurostars program to accelerate the development of their new universal composite plate fixators.
Biomedical Bonding (BMB) has together with RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and Ivoclar been granted funding from the Eurostars program. Out of 432 project applications, the consortium’s proposal scored high and will receive funding from Vinnova (Sweden) and FFG (Austria). In the project, BMB will take the next step with its Bonevolent™ technology by partnering with experts in medical device testing and a global leader in light-cured dental materials.

"We are pleased and delighted that the Eurostars program has funded this exciting project. Our mission is to become the first MedTech company to provide bone-like composite implants that adapts to the fractures instead of fixating the fractures with predesigned metal plates. We are continuously seeking collaborations with key industrial partners and the alliance with RISE and Ivoclar will accelerate our activities to provide first mover pioneering implants for clinical trials in parallel with the development of the necessary instruments”, says Michael Malkoch, CEO and Founder of BMB.
The two-year Eurostars project have a total budget of €1.35M and will start in June 2022, with BMB as leading part and managed by the company’s CTO Viktor Granskog.
This project is co-funded by EUREKA member countries and the European Union Horizon Europe Framework Program.
About the Ivoclar Group
The Ivoclar Group, headquartered in Schaan, Liechtenstein, is one of the world's leading manufacturers of integrated solutions for high-quality dental applications. The company's success is based on a comprehensive portfolio of products, systems and services, strong research and development capabilities and a clear commitment to training and further education. The group of companies, which sells its products to around 130 countries, has 47 subsidiaries and branch offices and employs roughly 3,500 people worldwide. More information about the Ivoclar Group is available at
About RISE
RISE is Sweden’s research institute and innovation partner. Through our international collaboration programmes with industry, academia and the public sector, we ensure the competitiveness of the Swedish business community on an international level and contribute to a sustainable society. Our 2,800 employees engage in and support all types of innovation processes. RISE is an independent, State-owned research institute, which offers unique expertise and over 100 testbeds and demonstration environments for future-proof technologies, products and services.
For more information, please contact: Michael Malkoch, CEO and Founder Phone: +46 (0) 8 121 56 755 E-mail: Homepage:
Biomedical Bonding AB is a platform based Swedish MedTech company that develops cutting-edge medical adhesive fixators and novel surgical methodologies with focus on the ever-growing market of hard tissue restorations. The technological platform, Bonevolent™, is market disruptive and stands for a paradigm shift in personalized surgical interventions. BMB´s vision is to become the dominant global provider of unique adhesive products suited for fracture fixation and dental restoration market. BMB´s Bonevolent™ products are easy-to-use by clinicians, will increase patient safety, save costs and resources for health care and society as a whole. BMB is a privately held company headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.